Small scenes

We enjoyed a short break in north Norfolk recently and while we were there ticked off a National Trust property that’s been on my ‘must visit’ list for a long while - Felbrigg Hall. I tend to visit stately homes without a pre-planned agenda, photographically speaking. Sometimes I’ll be taken by wide, sweeping shots of the architecture, while on other occasions it’ll be the smaller details which draw me in. On this occasion most of my photos fall into the latter category.

More often than not it’s the light that draws me in, as it falls on something photogenic or creates a lovely contrast of light and shadow. Felbrigg was full of such corners and Kevin ended up having to wait for me to catch up as I kept getting waylaid by interesting photo opportunities.

Click on any of the photos to see them larger.

I’m always drawn to libraries, and this one even had a private room with a chamber pot!

Photos taken October 2022