Waltham Abbey

I’ve been intending to revisit Waltham Abbey for a long while now but Covid related closures and work stopped me until last Friday. I intended to take a mix of pinhole and digital images but in the end pinhole photography just clicked more for me on this occasion.

The light was very changeable as rainstorms passed through overhead, but the subdued illumination worked well for monochrome pinhole photography.

Click on any image to see it enlarged.

There were glimpses of sunshine though…

The first time I visited Waltham Abbey I laid my 35mm pinhole camera on the ground to take a photo of the ornate ceiling. That didn’t work well, so I had another go this time. The ceiling is visible but the strong spotlights have added their own uniquely pinhole flare too!

A candle burning for Ukraine…

A brace of ornately carved doors outside the Abbey.

Photos taken 24 March 2023