Travelling light

My experience of teaching a smartphone photography workshop last month proved to be a great way of learning more about my own phone’s camera, but not without its temptations. As I researched what the cameras we all carry in our pockets can do I realised just how much more the latest iPhone can do now.

After much indecision I took the plunge and upgraded from my three year old iPhone SE to the latest iPhone 14 Pro and I haven’t regretted it for one moment. Yes, it still does all the phone stuff the same as any mobile, but having a larger sensor and three different lenses to play with brings many more possibilities when I want to travel light. The day after I bought the new phone I decided to use it as my sole camera for our monthly visit to the Barrington car meet and it was strangely liberating.

The super-wide angle lens offers some fun possibilities if you get really close.

On the new phone’s camera it will allow you to use the portrait mode on subjects which aren’t human which allows for all sorts of creative possibilities.

A beautiful 1948 Healey.

Photos taken 2 June 2023

Taking things slowly

Back in September we went to the monthly car meet in Barrington for our fix of classic cars. Instead of taking a digital or pinhole camera I went with my uncle’s loaned Rolleiflex - a camera I haven’t used for a while. Photos are composed via the camera’s focusing screen, which presents everything reversed horizontally. This messes with my brain and makes me slow down, although that’s probably no bad thing!

Photos taken September 2022

Friday evening at the Barrington

Following our day at the Festival of the Unexceptional I had some photos left on one of my film cameras so I took it with me to the Friday evening car meet at the pub in Barrington. The RETO ultra wide and slim camera is very simple - a plastic body with a 21mm plastic lens, although you’d never know its minimal budget from the sharpness of the photos!

It was a beautiful summer’s evening and the light became even more glorious as the sun gradually dropped in the sky.

Photos taken August 2022